Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Goat Milk for a Month - Oh No!

We are getting to that time of year when the baby goats (kids) will start to arrive.  A pregnant mama goat (doe) needs to be "dried up" so that their body can rest the last few months before having her new kids.  Our oldest doe, Millie is due around May 1st, so we are in the process of drying her up now.  Belle, one of our other does, is due on March 15th and has already been dried up.  The milk from a newly freshened doe isn't very pleasant tasting for a  few weeks after she kids, so this is the end of the milk for us for while.

Our family (especially Emily) is looking forward to a couple week break from milking.  The little break in routine is nice, but we will really miss having goat milk to drink!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Off to buy bunnies!

Today Mike and Emily will go pick up the two pure-breed Dwarf Hotot Rabbits she's buying for her new business venture. She plans to have bunnies for sale by the time our market begins in May. She is more than excited! I'm not sure if she slept much last night. :)

While the children are all a part of our family business, Mike encourages them to have their own separate businesses. When Emily came up with the idea of selling bunnies, Mike told her to create a business plan and present it to him. That was all the encouragement she needed. She spent countless hours reading and searching the Internet for information.

Once she had her whole plan written out, she schedule a morning coffee meeting with her dad. Of course, she made him some delicious cinnamon rolls to go with his coffee (no ulterior motives, I'm sure). :) After much persuasion, Emily was given the go ahead. Then she started searching and searching for bunnies to buy. Finally, after 4 long days of Internet searches, she found the two that she wants.

So today with some of her savings in hand, she is off to purchase her bunnies and all the equipment needed. Be sure to stop by in the spring to see the new additions to the farm!