Friday, April 23, 2010

Myrtle bottles a lamb!

When I am needing to go shopping, I usually call Myrtle, my widow friend, to see if she would like to come along - she always does. Myrtle will take any opportunity she can to get out of her apartment do some shopping. :) Even at 101, she still likes to keep busy! (Take note!) :)
Well, this particular day, I was going to pick her up in the afternoon, and it happened to be the same day Milllie decided to have her kids. So I called Myrtle and explained that I was going to be late because our goat had had her kids and I needed to help my children (the three youngest, Mike and Brandon were both working) milk Millie and bottle feed the new kids.
When Myrtle found out we were bottle feeding, she said she would just love to come over and help us. :) When she lived on the farm, they had lambs, and she had bottle fed many of them. So we took care of the kids, and planned to have Myrtle help with bottle feeding the lambs.
After I took her shopping, we came back to the house, drove straight out to the barn, and Emily had a bottle ready and waiting for Myrtle.
She fed that lamb like an old pro, enjoying every minute of it too! :) We showed her the new kids, and the kittens. It was fun to see her enjoying herself so much.
All I can say is...... I hope I am still bottling lambs at 101! :)

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