Friday, January 27, 2012

Farmwife's Journal - January 27th

Last weekend we were blessed to be able to buy meat for our dogs.  A friend called one day asking what we do with our spent hens.  After some thought, Mike decided we should buy them for the dogs.  Can you imagine butchering 50 hens in January?  Since there is plenty of will around here, we made a way! :) 

Early Saturday morning Mike and the boys headed over to our friends farm to catch chickens.  Once they returned home, us girls went outside to join the butchering fun :/  The boys were so excited to use the machetes that Mike got them while on a missions trip in Mexico.  They chopped the heads while the rest of us skinned the birds in the garage.  It was about 16 degrees outside, so there was no way to wash anything.  Mike made sure the boys work was done in an area that could look "bloody" for awhile. (i.e. not the front yard!)  The job took all morning.

We finished with just enough time to get cleaned up for a wedding that we were going to in the afternoon.  By the time we got to the wedding, we looked and smelled so civilized, you would have never known we had spent all morning killing and skinning chickens! :)

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